5 Publishers Seek Experimental, Mystery, Literary, YA & Romance Manuscripts

Unagented writers seeking publication should submit their queries and/or manuscripts for consideration before the holiday season begins.  Five small presses are interested in experimental, literary, mysteries, romance, young adult, and children’s books. (more…)

Pearson Remains World’s Biggest Publisher

Pearson’s sales declined by 15 percent, but it remained the world’s biggest publishing company, according to the Livres Hebdo/Publishers Weekly annual ranking. Total revenues for the world’s 50 biggest publishers topped $50 billion in 2016. (more…)

6 Small Presses Focus on Regional Fiction and Nonfiction

ManuscriptComputer-CindyFazziPicSmall presses can focus on niche markets, an advantage they have over big publishers. If your novel has a strong sense of place, check out these six publishers that specialize in regional titles. They welcome both agented and unagented submissions. (more…)

4 Small Presses in UK Welcome Unagented Submissions

If you’re seeking traditional publication but you don’t have literary representation, look into publishing companies across the pond. These four small presses don’t prohibit non-U.K. submissions on their websites, but if you live outside of the U.K., mention it in your query or submission. (more…)

5 Publishers that Accept Unagented Romance & Other Genre Novels

Fiction Sign-CindyFazziPicThere’s a reason genre fiction is called popular fiction. Those who love genre fiction, from thriller to romance to horror and fantasy, are among the most loyal and voracious readers. If you are a genre novelist without a literary agent, check out the following small presses that welcome unagented submissions. (more…)

Five of the World’s Biggest Publishers Stay at the Top

fairoakslibrary-bookshelf-cindyfazzipicFive of the world’s biggest publishers, led by Pearson, the U.K.-based educational publishing company, maintained their positions on the Livres Hebdo/Publishers Weekly  annual ranking for 2015. (more…)

Small Presses: 3 Publishers Accept Fiction and Nonfiction Submissions

Folsom Library-Fiction SignThe days are shorter, but the weather is nicer. It’s fall—are you ready to submit your manuscript? Check out these three small publishers that are open to fiction and nonfiction submissions. (more…)

Two Chinese Publishers Join List of World’s Biggest Publishers

Books5-CindyFazziPearson, the U.K.-based educational publishing company, remains the world’s biggest publisher, according to the Livres Hebdo/Publishers Weekly annual ranking based on 2014 revenues. Two Chinese publishers were among the top 10 out of 57 companies that were ranked. (more…)

Should Publishers Partner with Public Libraries in Promoting Books?

Should publishers partner with public libraries in promoting new books?

A marketing expert thinks publishers should partner with public libraries in promoting new books.

Given the diminishing number of bricks-and-mortars bookstores, should publishers partner with public libraries in showcasing new books? A marketing expert thinks it’s a logical and viable option. (more…)

Surveys in U.S., U.K. & Canada Show Decline in Authors’ Earnings

Books3-CindyFazziIf you’re a published author and your name is neither J.K. Rowling nor Stephen King, then the results of three recent surveys will confirm what you probably already know—authors are earning less these days. (more…)